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How to Become an Professional PHP Web Developer

PHP is one of the major programming languages (php, asp, java, C#, C++, C, python, ruby etc.) There should be no argument about what language is better, since each one can achieve the same function so long as you master it. Then, how to be an expert of programming? Take php programming for instance, we need to learn a lot of related skills and must master them, not just know some basics.
First step: learn some basic of html, css, javascript, php, mysql and can do some company portal, products catalog websites
Second step: penetrate into the above skills and practice more to be skillful and can finish more advanced functions, features, like many features for e-commerce website.
Third step: After got familiar with the basic skills, now we need to improve our level to middle level. At the stage, we need to study jquery, xml, json, ajax, http protocol, smarty, mail server,OOP etc.
Forth step: We need to study some open source products like ecshop, discuzz, ucenter, zencart, magento, joomla, drupal, wordpress, and some MVC systems like YII, CakePHP, CI, ThinkPHP and zend frame work etc.
Fifth step: We continue to study apache, nignx, linux etc.
Six step: it would be quite good to remember php, mysql manual, especially the popular functions and study some leading edge technology. Also, it would be quite good to study some other programming languages and subjects, like java, C#, Maths etc to broaden our eyesight.
Last, it would be a good condition to work some time in some big internet, IT companies, like google, Microsoft to communicate with engineers inside.
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