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使用WhatsApp几年了,断断续续地在用,有时因为没有vpn,有时因为一些未知原因不能使用WhatsApp。 最近两年可能是因为vpn稳定,运气也好,WhatsApp可以连续好好地用着。但是最近因为给WhatsApp上的人发了二三十条广告就被封了,而且是那种永久封禁类型,吓死人了。
于是百度了很多方法,尝试了联系WhatsApp售后支持,诚恳地解释了下原因,并承诺以后不再发广告信息,最近WhatsApp人工客服居然给解封了, 真是虚惊一场。
1. 向客服解释无意违规,并承诺之后遵守平台规则;
2. 态度诚恳礼貌;
3. WhatsApp容易封账号,不太适合用于营销推广和联系陌生人,主要适合和老客户在邮件之外的一种非正式沟通交流;
于是百度了很多方法,尝试了联系WhatsApp售后支持,诚恳地解释了下原因,并承诺以后不再发广告信息,最近WhatsApp人工客服居然给解封了, 真是虚惊一场。
1. 向客服解释无意违规,并承诺之后遵守平台规则;
2. 态度诚恳礼貌;
3. WhatsApp容易封账号,不太适合用于营销推广和联系陌生人,主要适合和老客户在邮件之外的一种非正式沟通交流;
Thanks for your message.
Our system flagged your account activity as a violation of our Terms of Service and banned your phone number. We value you as a user, and apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.
After reviewing your account activity, we’ve removed the ban so you should now have access to WhatsApp.
As a next step, we recommend re-registering your phone number on WhatsApp to ensure you have access.
You can visit our website to download WhatsApp or the WhatsApp Business app.
You can learn more about how to use WhatsApp responsibly in this Help Center article.
Note: We don’t provide support for unsupported apps, devices, or versions of WhatsApp, or jailbroken or rooted devices. Learn more about our supported operating systems in this article. For more information about unofficial apps and why we don’t support these apps, you can refer to this article.
Verifying your phone number with a registration code is the only way you can activate your account.
To complete the registration process and activate your account, your device must:
* Have an active SIM card for the number you’re activating. Unsupported phone numbers, such as VoIP, landlines, toll-free, paid premium numbers, universal access numbers (UAN), shared cost, and personal numbers can’t be registered on WhatsApp. Make sure you enter your phone number in full international format.
- Have a stable internet and cellular connection to receive SMS and/or phone calls for the phone number you’re activating. If you’re abroad, you must be able to receive international SMS and/or phone calls. If you're abroad and roaming, keep in mind that this might incur extra charges.
Note: If you have a prepaid line, make sure you have enough balance to receive SMS or phone calls.
Once you’ve confirmed the requirements are met, follow the troubleshooting steps based on the issue you’re experiencing:
- You didn’t receive a code: It can take time for the registration code to be sent to you. If you haven't received your code after 24 hours or still can’t register your account, please reach out with your number in full international format.
- You must wait before requesting another code: Please wait the amount of time indicated on your device before requesting another code.